Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another 2 interesting workshop-seminars coming up

I. Growth and Wellness

About the Programme

The program provides an overview of the holistic approach to wellness. Participants will learn about the seven dimensions of wellness, the nature of stress and the ways by which stresses could be managed. An initial assessment on burn out will be conducted. This will be followed with practical skills in conducting a skills inventory, managing emotions, and identifying the attitudinal sources of stress and burnout.

What some past participants have to say

  • There is a sense of freedom, of being liberated from fears that shackled me in the past and blocked intimacy with friends and family.
  • The workshop opened my eyes to many deep issues within me and provided tools to help me. Helped me to understand myself better in a non-threatening and hopeful manner.
  • It has given me a road map to work on my own issues. Earnest's honest sharing of his own stories was so inspiring and gave me much hope. Didn’t realise how my childhood impacted me so much. With the tools given, I can free myself from that which chokes me from growing.
  • It came at the right time in my life, allowing me to understand myself, my emotions and responses better. I came away believing that psychological development and enhancement is key to spiritual growth.
  • Understanding my family roots led to the discovery of my inner self. This enabled me to name the paralysis that prevents me from growing.
  • That I am an imperfect human being and that I should not beat myself up when I make mistakes in life. It is important to forgive myself in order to move on!

Who Should Attend

Persons who are interested in understanding and growing the Self to be who they really are.


5 – 7 November, 2010
Friday to Sunday (3 full days)
10.00am – 4.00pm daily
(light refreshments begins at 9.30am)


La Salle University Hall
Jalan 5/15B, Off Jalan Chantek
46000 Petaling Jaya

How much

Contribution of RM180.00 towards the cost of venue, meals & light refreshments. Those who can afford to pay more are encouraged to contribute to a collection on the last day to help defray other costs.

Closing Date: 28 October 2010


II. The Psychology of Power and Empowerment

About the Programme

This programme will help participants reflect on their source of power and ways by which they can empower themselves and others.

Topics include:

  • Overview of power and sources of power
  • Empowering others
  • The power of self-worth: the nibble theory and kernel of power
  • The power of vision and mission: making a personal mission statement
  • The power of leading with honour: utilising principle-centered power of leadership.

What some past participants have to say:

  • Earnest is 'down to earth’. I am empowered by his sessions as I have learned new tools and skills for self-development and relationship with others.
  • I was guided to discover my true self and understanding how my roots had influenced me was empowering. I feel enlightened and optimistic about the future!
  • Gained insights on the roots of my behavioural patterns and have now learn the tools to change. Very life-giving indeed!
  • The workshop has taught me to be myself and to accept and love myself as who I really am. An important lesson is to "let go" and to give space and respect the individuality of others in order to empower self and others.
  • It has awakened in me the knowledge of self – what makes me tick; it taught me how to better relate better in relationships and to acknowledge and respect differences.
  • The workshop helped me to develop my thinking and to understand the roots of my frustrations. I was led to affirmation & reconciliation of self – I discovered a suppressed playful and creative child within me wishing to surface!

Who should attend

Persons who wish to reflect on their source of power and incorporate the values and principles of integrity and honour in the manner in which they exercise their power in the family, work environment, community and society at large.


3 – 4 November, 2010
Wednesday to Thursday (2 full days)
10.00am – 4.00pm daily
(Light refreshments begins at 9.30am)


La Salle University Hall
Jalan 5/15B, Off Jalan Chantek
46000 Petaling Jaya

How much

Contribution of RM120.00 towards the cost of venue, meals & light refreshments. Those who can afford to pay more are encouraged to contribute to a collection on the last day to help defray other costs.

Closing Date: 28 October 2010

About The Programme Leader

Earnest L. Tan (http://earnestltan-spiritus.tripod.com/), from the Philippines, designs and conducts workshop-seminars geared towards personal growth and wellness. He is a regular lecturer and resource person for the East Asian Pastoral Institute, Asian Social Institute, the Medical Education Unit of the University of the Philippines and Philippine General Hospital, and Miriam Graduate School.

Earnest brings his vast experience of training in the areas of Human Intimacy & Sexuality, The Process of Value Development, Effective Coping & Communication Skills, Effective Parenting, Relationship Enhancement and Empowerment. He has shared his expertise around the Philippines and in other countries such as Australia, Brunei, Korea, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Malaysia.

How to pay

Payment is by cash or cheque made payable to Chow Mei Mei, which can be banked into CIMB Bank A/C No: 12650001973525. Kindly send registration form and payment details to chowbernie@yahoo.com.

Who to ask

Bernie (012-2637912)
Angeline (03-7955 0845)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lay Holiness and Ministry

Living in Christ, Christ Living in Us

The laity had, for a long time, been relegated to an inferior and passive position in the life and mission of the Church. The 2nd Vatican Council rediscovered and retrieved the dignity and responsibility of the laity as co-equal in the Church and co-responsible for the Church with the clergy and the religious by virtue of their baptism in Christ.

This one-day workshop will deal with 3 inter-related elements of the theme. It will
1. analyze the actual shift in Vatican II;
2. spell out the implications of the changes; and
3. inquire into Church realities that seem to hinder the shift to actually take place in parishes and dioceses.


José M. de Mesa, a lay theologian, is recognized as one of the most important theologians of the world today by the Missionwissenschaftliches Missio in Aachen, Germany. He is presently a University Fellow at De La Salle University, Manila and a Professor of Applied Theology at the Inter-Congregational Theological Centre in the Philippines. He also teaches regularly in Theological Union in Chicago and East Asia Pastoral Institute and is a published author.


Saturday, 7 August 2010 (9.00 am – 4.00 pm)


La Salle Hall, Jalan 5/15B
Off Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya

How much

Fee is RM40 inclusive of light refreshments and lunch

Who to ask

Bernie (012-2637912) or Angeline (03-7955 0845)
chowbernie at yahoo dot com

By What Authority?

Authority is a relational concept. Questions about authority in the Church are really inquiries regarding the true author or source of its life and mission to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Just as God was the true author of Jesus’ life, grounded as it was in his relationship to the Father, so also the Church finds its “authority” in Jesus Christ.

Rather than a possession, authority names the quality of relationship and is maintained in the character of the relationship. Where one might speak of the Bible, the creed or a pope as possessing authority, this authority in fact resides in the relationship between the community of faith and the Bible, the creed or the bishop/pope. Thus, terms like “authoritative” and “authoritarian” hint at different kinds of relationship.

Our workshop will deal with questions of authority regarding the Bible (how does the community relate with the Bible as normative), the Church’s teaching office (what does it mean to teach and be taught in a mutual manner) and the sense of the faithful (how do members of the Church discern together the enlightenment the Spirit gifts the community with, even when conflicting views arise).

Each session will consist of three segments:
1. an introductory input to map out the main points of a specific topic on authority;
2. guided small group discussions; and
3. a topical summary incorporating and elaborating insights from the input and the discussions.


José M. de Mesa, a lay theologian, is recognized as one of the most important theologians of the world today by the Missionwissenschaftliches Missio in Aachen, Germany. He is presently a University Fellow at De La Salle University, Manila and a Professor of Applied Theology at the Inter-Congregational Theological Centre in the Philippines. He also teaches regularly in Theological Union in Chicago and East Asia Pastoral Institute and is a published author.


Thursday, 29 July 2010 (7.30 pm – 10.00 pm)
Friday, 30 July 2010 (7.30 pm – 10.00 pm)
Saturday, 31 July 2010 (10.00 am – 4.00 pm)


La Salle Hall, Jalan 5/15B
Off Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya

How much

Fee is RM60 inclusive of refreshments & light lunch on Saturday

Who to ask

Bernie (012-2637912) or Angeline (03-7955 0845)
chowbernie at yahoo dot com

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Courses organised/co-organised/co-sponsored

(May 8)

Workshop on Integration of Faith and Life: Growing in Spirituality in Petaling Jaya by John D’Cruz.

(June 7–9)

Live-in workshop-seminar on Naming Jesus, Naming our Lives in Port Dickson presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(3 June)
One-day session on Basic Theology for Prayer Companions in Ignatian Spirituality presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(May 28–30)
Workshop Seminar on Living in Christ, Christ Living in Us: Lay Holiness and Ministry in Kelang presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(May 11)

Formation on Vocation of Marriage and Family Life in Melaka presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(May 10)
Formation on Vocation of Marriage and Family Life in Johor presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(May 8; May 12)
Two talks: a) Making Jesus Real in the BEC b) Lay Spirituality in a Multicultural Society in KL presented by Jose M. de Mesa.

(May 4–6)
A live-in workshop-seminar on Doing Theology: Basic Realities and Processes in Port Dickson presented Dr Jose M. de Mesa.

(April 27 – May 1)

A live-in Growth and Wellness Workshop-Seminar for leaders in Port Dickson presented Ernest Tan of EAPI, Manila

(August 12–14)

A live-in formation programme on The Mission of the Church in Asia in Melaka presented by Lazar Stanislaus, SVD, Director of Ishvani Kendra, Pune, India.

(July 24–27)
A live-in inter-faith meditation seminar on the Bhagavad Gita at Maranatha, Janda Baik presented by Sebastian Painadath sj, of Sameeksha Ashram in Kalady, India.

(June 22–24)
A live-in Workshop on Feminist Theology in KL presented by Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza.

(August 27–29)

A workshop Journeying Together in Dialogue in PJ presented by Sebastian Painadath sj, of Sameeksha Ashram in Kalady, India.

(August 8–10)
A three-day series of talks on Problems and Prospects of Mission Today in KL presented by L. Stanislaus, SVD, Director of Ishvani Kendra in Pune, India.

Participants sponsored for courses

Certificate course in Civil Society Initiatives in Peacebuilding

(January 2009) Rwanda - 1 participant

Discernment Workshop for the Chinese-speaking Ministry Leaders

(October 3-9) Presented by Paul Goh, sj from Singapore - 3 participants

Inter- faith Spiritual fellowship, Pure Life Society (INSaF)

(August 2007) Meditation Seminar on the Bhagavad Gita (Part 2) presented by Sebastian Painadath, sj at Janda Baik, Malaysia - 2 participants

Inter- faith Spiritual fellowship, Pure Life Society (INSaF)

(August 17–21) Meditation Seminar on the Bhagavad Gita presented by Sebastian Painadath, sj at Janda Baik, Malaysia - 2 participants

East Asian Pastoral Institute, Quezon City, Philippines

(January 5 – April 5) Pastoral Leadership in a Post-Vatican 11 Church - 1 participant

Tainan Theological College and Seminary, Taiwan

(September 19, 2005 - June 14, 2006) Master of Theology - 1 participant

Inter- faith Spiritual fellowship, Pure Life Society (INSaF)

(July 24–28) Meditation Seminar on the Bhagavad Gita presented by Sebastian Painadath, sj at Janda Baik, Malaysia - 3 participants

Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology workshops

(August 12–15) Tools of Social Analysis – the Dance of Transformation presented by Lieve Troch at Janda Baik, Kuala Lumpur - 3 participants

Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences- Office of Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs (FABC-OEIA)

(May 23–30) Fifth Formation Institute for Inter-Religious Affairs (FIRA 5) – Inter-religious Dialogue in Religious Education at Bangkok - 6 participants

East Asian Pastoral Institute, Quezon City, Philippines

(January 6 – April 9) Effective Steward Leadership in a Servant Church - 1 participant

East Asian Pastoral Institute, Quezon City, Philippines

(January 6- April 9) Steward Leadership in a Church for Peace and Justice - 1 participant

Ecclesia of Women in Asia

(November 24-29) EWA 1 –Gathering of the Voices of the Silenced at Bangkok, Thailand - 1 participant

Ishvani Kendra, Institute of Missiology and Communications, Pune, India

(October 6-19) Empowering Women in the New Millennium - 3 participants
(November 24-04 December) Inter-faith Dialogue - 3 participants

East Asian Pastoral Institute, Quezon City, Philippines

(January 7- March 27) Steward Leadership in a Church for the Poor - 1 participant