Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Journeying with Jesus (Gospel of John): Participants' comments

Fr Sebastian Painadath’s session held at Luther Center on 20th and 21st April, 2012

Below is a compilation of the various participants' comments received, the actual phrases found in the evaluation forms.

A.  Regarding aspects or components most helpful in understanding the Gospel:
  1. The diagrams, levels of consciousness, moving deeper from ego to essence
  2. Gospel references, meaning of the Gospel, beautiful insights and interpretations of St John by Fr Painadath
  3. Imagery, symbols and metaphors (especially of the tree, the well ) to go deeper into self
  4. Understanding the triune god, the trinity through these imagery and symbols
  5. Deeper understanding of our inner life, the inward journey,  taking responsibility for my own growth
  6. Meditation guidance, coming into the presence of god
  7. Calling me to be divine, divinisation of self

B. Regarding the most important learning:

A number of participants repeated what is in A above. Here are what was written differently by some individuals.
  1. That we ….. can grow the Christ within ourselves…..be a channel of the Divine
  2. Understanding the depth of meaning in St John……that divinity can be attained by anyone regardless of race and religion…..with plurality of acceptance…we are one in our humanity and with       god…living in harmony with creation and people of other faiths.
  3. The cosmic Christ…..this universal cosmic oneness is beautiful and profound
  4. How the Church Institution can hijack the wisdom of Jesus and deprive the people of their consciousness!
  5. Not to remain in the mental area but go deeper down and draw from the rivers of living water, and into the spirit level.
  6. Being a disciple of Christ versus being a Christian

C. Additional Comments, Requests:

For Fr Sebastian
  1. Thank you Father for your wisdom and insights into John. We thank you very much.
  2. A bit more of group sharing needed.
  3. Fr Sebastian is a gifted teacher. We should get him to do more talks, retreats……need for more people to be exposed to “being” than “doing”…for growth.
  4. More Bible trainings, scripture study especially on Paul’s letters needed.
  5. Can we invite Fr Sebastian for a session on Christ and Other  Religions?


  1. Well-planned, pleasant venue.
  2. Lovely center-piece in hall
  3. A good retreat for me.
  4. Thank you, organizers!

D. Everyone answered "Yes" to the question regarding recommending this session to friends and family, and 2 participants had the following to add:

a)    Yes. Give a clearer picture of the contemplative aspects of our faith journey
b)    Yes, but they (friends and family) must be ready – only in His time.

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